A World of Speculation

If you’re in the Portland, Ore., area and interested in writing, you might like an upcoming workshop:

Saturday, March 5, in Portland, “Emotion-Driven Fiction” by Eric Witchey. This award-winning short-story writer will teach participants to make emotion drive the plot and to display emotion in text. He will also teach a tool called ED ACE for emotional, dramatic action and character transformation.

The workshop happens at the American Plaza Towers on SW First Avenue in Portland. Convenient parking available.

The fee for the workshop is $80 for members, $115 for non-members. (The non-member price includes a one-year membership in Oregon Writers Colony.) Witchey is a popular teacher, and space is limited. For information, contact Martha Miller. Registration forms are available on the OWC website.

I met Eric at a workshop a few months ago, and he struck me as someone who would be a good teacher, which was why I was excited to sign up to coordinate this workshop. It runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. with an hour off for lunch.

And just for my own curiosity, if you decide to attend and read about it first on my blog, please let me know. I hope to see you there.